Saturday, September 8, 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007

This is very embarrassing

For a budget analyst. I went to Lowe's to pick bricks and ended up a wee bit SHORT =(

No Stump!

The Beginnings of a Flower Box

Much better than the mud pit

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Another WASA disappointment

I waited for 4 months to start working on the yard because WASA was planning on replacing all the lead pipes. I had high hope that when they dug up the yard they would take the boxwood bushes and the stump with them. No such luck. They couldn't even be bothered to fill in these two gaps in the concrete pad =( Its hard to see form these two photos, but WASA broke a chunk of the concrete just between the gaps!

Concrete Gaps in Front

Spider dens

These two boxwood bushes were never anything but home to a bunch of spiders! No matter how I trimmed and tried to shape them...the small one just never caught up to the bigger one. When I tore these out, I also found, hidden under the larger one, an old metal post for a chain link fence. It had been cut off about a foot above ground and was all rusted and full of disgusting water. It took about 4 hour and several neighbors helping, but we finally dug it out of 3 feet of DC clay.

Old Sidewalk

"Before View"

The Hateful STUMP

I have no idea why anyone would go to the trouble of cutting down a cedar tree that was probably lovely and leave this ridiculous stump for my to beat and chop the the ground. I think I probably spent close to 20 hours with a hatchet just getting this far. Then I got smart and paid the neighborhood handy man $40 to level it to the ground! Best money ever spent!

Mosaic Mirror

This is the mirror I made at a mosaics studio on H Street.